Saturday, 3 October 2009

my name

hellooooo bloggers! i'm bored niiih. and do you know what do I do when i'm bored? many weird things. like now, I search my name: tiara, in google and find some this article from wikipedia. check it out:

A tiara (from Persian تاره tara adopted in Latin as 'tiara') is a form of crown. There are two possible types of crown that this word can refer to.

Traditionally, the word "tiara" refers to a high crown, often with the shape of a cylinder narrowed at its top, made of fabric or leather, and richly ornamented. It was used by the kings and emperors of some ancient peoples in Mesopotamia. The Assyrians used to include a pair of bull horns as a decoration and symbol of authority and a circle of short feathers surrounding the tiara's top. The Persian tiara was more similar to a truncated cone, without the horns and feathers but more jewels, and a conic-shaped tip at its top.

Papal tiara

In the Roman Catholic Church, the Papal Tiara is a high cap surrounded by three crowns and bearing a globe surmounted by a cross worn by the Pope during certain ceremonies, being the symbol of his authority. Since Pope Paul VI set aside his tiara after the Second Vatican Council, the Papal Tiara has not been worn. Pope Benedict XVI even removed the tiara from his Coat of Arms, replacing it with a mitre (but with some symbolic reference to the symbolism of the tiara, still in use in the Holy See's coat of arms). Tiara is also used as a name in many parts of the world.

Other tiaras

Queen Alexandra (wearing a circlet), with her daughters Victoria (right) and Louise (left), wearing tiaras.

In modern times, however, a tiara is generally a semi-circular band, often metal, and decorated with jewels, which is worn as a form of adornment. It is worn by women around their head or on the forehead as a circlet on very formal or high social occasions. Tiaras are frequently used to "crown" the winners of beauty pageants. In western countries, a bride often wears a tiara as part of her bridal gown.

Tiara of the duchesse d'Angoulême, Paris 1814 (Louvre)

Queen Elizabeth II is said to have the largest and most valuable collection of tiaras in the world, many of which are heirlooms of the British Royal Family. She is often seen wearing them on state occasions. Her personal collection of tiaras is considered to be priceless. She received many of them through inheritance, especially from Queen Alexandra, and gifts from foreign countries. For example, a diamond and aquamarine tiara she received was a present from the people of Brazil.

Tiaras in fiction

In fiction, superheroine Wonder Woman is usually depicted wearing a tiara; hers can be thrown as a weapon, as can that worn by the magical girl character known as Sailor Moon. All the other Sailor Senshi wear tiaras as well. Both Wonder Woman and the Sailor Senshi's tiaras are worn over their forehead, instead of on top of the head as they are traditionally pictured. Princesses in fiction also commonly wear tiaras.

haha I know it's weird but it's kinda fun for knowing what is your name means. I laugh when I read this article, and I starting to think: "it's my name makes me a princess?", I don't think soooo haha -_-. okaaay, i'm gonna say bye bye now. i'm going to sleep. bye bye mwah :D

P.S: search your name on google when you're bored or something. it can be fun you know haha :D

love ya,


Friday, 2 October 2009

daddyyyy :D

halo halooooo. hari ini kita semua pake batik yaaaa hauhuahau bangga deh sama Indonesia. pada pake batik enggaaaa? gua pake dong haha (apa deh cuma gitu doang). pokonya bangga sama Indonesiaku! batik batik batik go internasional! :D haha. btw, gua mau cerita nih, dan tentang bokap gue yang suka motongin bulu keteknya sendiri pake gunting kuku bayi itu yaa hauhauhau. jadi giniii: 2 hari yang lalu gua kan lagi ngobrol2 sama nyokap dan bokap gua, terus kita tuh lagi gila2 an terus terjadi sebuh percakapan:

nyokap: "papa, tolong ambilin kue dong"
bokap: "apa? lilin kue?"
nyokap: "AMBILIN KUE"
bokap: "ooh, maaf salah denger"
nyokap: "ih papa bolot deh. tuh liat deh tiara papa kamu bolot"
gua: "ho oh haha"
bokap: "bolot itu apa?"
gua: "yah gatau dah"
nyokap:" iya aah masa gatau papamu ini tiaraaaa"
gua: "haha iya ma"
nyokap: "ni ya, bolot itu BUDEK"

mejreeeet. sumpah gua ngakak deh ckck dasar bokap. kocak dah haha. seneng banget deh kalo udah bisa kayak gini sama bokap. dia ini manusia yang gua sayaaaaang bangeeet. orangnya memang rada bolot, sama sama movie freak (yeah, it runs in my blood), asik, baikkk, pokonya toppppp! tiap minggu pasti jalan berdua sama gua, entah itu nonton atau ke ambassador beli film banyak banget (i told you we're movie freak haha). dan asik bangeet kalo minta duit dikasih banyak hahuahau, and we have a same t-shirt you know haha dua duanya gambar gatot kaca beli di jogja haha. kalo gua mau beli sesuatu gua minta sama nyokap kan suka ga dikasih, yasudah gua minta bokap, wuuuus langsung ada (ya ga selalu juga sih) hehe :D. tapi sayangnyaaaa papaku itu sering pergi kerja ke luar kotaa jd suka jarang ketemuuu :'(. contohnya hari ini papaku baru pulang dari jambi dan baru pulang sekitar jam 8an dari airport. sampe rumah pengen main2 dulu tapi gabisa deh gara2 papa kecapekan. dan sekarang udah tiduuuuuur huhu. miss you daaaad, mainnya besok aja deeh hehe. have a good night sleep dad, love you :D

love ya,

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

happy daaaay :D

heyhey halo semuaaa, mau cerita nihh. haha lgsg mulai yaaa: you knoww gua lg seneng banget karena satu2nya hal yg bikin gua sedih udah bisa gua lupain. hahaha udah gua ga pikirin bodo amat pergi aje lu ke ujung kulon ga peduli (bangga gua bangga!). jadiii, karena gua sudah bisa melupakan gua jadi mendapat hari2 yg ceria terus loooh :D, contoh: hari selasa main ke rumah bella sama bie, bunga, rere, anad,anggita dan hari ini ceting dengan 2 orang yg sangat seruu yg bikin gua ngakak. haha gua ceritain ya waktu di rumah bellaaaa. jd wkt kt mau plg sklh kt bingung muat ato kagak naik mobil jazz nya bella, yasuuuud, akhirnya kita muat2in dan alhasil gua sama bie duduk di bagasi -_- haha. pengep bgt tau gasihhh ckck. abis ituu, abis kita sampe rumah bella ternyata ....... mati lampuuu grgrrr padahl pgn main wii. yasuud, kita akhirnya jalan2 keliling dan tadinya mau berenang di kolam renang deket rumah bella tapi gajadi karena pada gabawa bajuuu haha yaudah deh akhirnya kita cuma main2 di kolam cetek gitu haha. nah, abis kita main2 dan foto2 kita balik ke rumah bella lalu nge gossip dan lalu foto2 dengan barang alay (y). seru abisss, haha nanti kapan2 gua upload fotonya deh kocak pokonya ckck. hahah abis ituuu, kita foto sama adeknya bella yang namanya raaaay :DDD, cute banget loh sumpah padahal masih kelas 4 hauhuahahauaha. dan akhirnya ...... tin tinn! klakson mobil gue berbunyi dan tandanya gua dijemput -_-. dgn berat hati gua pun pulang (btw, anggita nebeng gua). nah, sesampai di rumaaah, juga mati lampuuu wowowo panas bangeeet hahaha listriknya nyala jam 9 kurang 15 gt deh parah ya ckck. okaaaay, itu cerita tentang kmrn, sekarang gua mau crt tentang hari ini yaaaa haha. iyaaa, jd hari ini itu gua ga dance karena ke dokter gigi periksa mau pasanh behel huehehe dan di rumah mati lampuuuu -__-, babi babi sialan haha (gua nge blog pake bb nyokap dengan keadaan gelap gulita lho sekarang haha). yasuuud, gua kepanasan dan untuk mengurangi bosan gua chat confrense sama bie dan the new guy (nama samaran) haha kita tuh gajelas dan akhirnya kita di chat itu nyanyi2 sendiri kayak gini:

tng (the new guy): "where is the love?"
gua: "HAHA apa deeeh"
bie: "yaoloh ga jelaaaas"
gua: "haha yasud kita nyanyi aja yaaa"
tng: "jangan kau tinggalkan diriku sendiri...."
bie: "sekian lama ku tlah menunggu.... LAGUNYA TIARA TUH"
gua: "HEH sialan. diaaaa isabellaaaa HAHA LAGUNYA BIE LOH"
bie: "apa sihh HAHA"
tng:" auuuuu you've been hitten by smooth criminal"

coak kaaaaaan, selama chatting ya gitu terus hahaha. udah dulu ya sampe sinii, LAMPUNYA SUDAH NYALA yeeeeeey :DDD

love ya,

Saturday, 26 September 2009

two song lyrics that makes me sad :'(

Your Face - Taylor Swift

I heard a song tonight on the radio
Another girl sings about a boy

She sees his face in every space,
Every room and I know
That if I turn around you won't be there
If I close my eyes will you be there?

I don't want to lose your face
And I don't want to wake up one day and not remember what time erased
I don't want to turn around
Cause I'm not scared of what love gave me and took away
And I don't want to lose your face
I've got a picture of you in my bedroom
And I hope it never falls
I hope I never lose that feelingI used to get when you called
And then I wondered to myself
Who were you, where are you
Were you ever here at all

That girl in the song had it so good
I wish I could close my eyes and see youI wish the sky had your face
And the oceans had your eyes
And the sunset had your lips
And I had you
Oh-oh yeah

Oh, no, no
I don't wanna lose your face
I don't wanna turn around
Oh, oh yeah
Oh, oh oh
Oh, oh oh
Oh, oh oh yeah

The Little Things - Colbie Caillat

The little things, you do to me are
taking me over, i wanna show ya
everything inside of me
like a nervous heart that, is crazy beating
my feet are stuck here, against the pavementi wanna break free, i wanna make it
closer to your eyes, get your attention
before you pass me by

So back up back up take another chance
Don’t you mess up mess up
I don’t wanna lose you
Wake up wake up this aint just a thing that you
Give up give up don’t you say that
I’d be Better off better off, sleepin by myself and wonderin
If im better off better off, with out you boy
So don't just leave me hanging on

And every time, you notice me by
holdin me closely, and sayin sweet things
i don't believe, that it could be
you speekin your mind and, sayin the real thing
my feet have broke free, and i am leavin
i'm not gonna stand here, feelin lonely buti wont forget you, and i won't think this
was just a waste of time

So back up back up take another chance
Don’t you mess up mess up
I don’t wanna lose you
Wake up wake up this aint just a thing that you
Give up give up don’t you say that I’d be
Better off better off, sleepin by myself and wonderin
If im better off better off, with out you boy
But don't just leave me hangin on

bikin sedih banget kaaaaaaaan :'(

Friday, 25 September 2009

a day with bie :)

heyhey halo semuaaa. mm, mau cerita nih tp akhir2 ini keadaan borring, jadi gue cerita hari kamis, 24 sep 2009 aja yaaa. jadi begini, kan nyokap gua ngajak pergi ke sency, terus gue pengen ngajak temen gituuu. nah, kata mama gue boleeeh. yasuuud, saya mau ajak jasmine dia ke puncak, ajak demi ada acara, dan akhirnya gue ngajak ........ sayangku tercinta, Bianda Anjani Pattiwael atau bisa disebut bie (baca blognya bie ya: hahaha. gue kepikiran gitu karena dia bilang dia lg bosen jadi gue ajak pergi deh. dan akhirnya boleeeeeh, akhirnya kita ketemuan di sency gitu deeh. terus bie bilang katanya di depan kiddy cuts pas di sency dia kepelset gara2 ada air gajelas terus abis itu kita ketemuan di food court gitu deh. nah, terus kan kita makan di depan sama belakang kita ada cowok ganteng gitu hueheuhehe lebay. abis makan kita kan misah sama nyokap gua, nyokap gua shopping ke zara (yaoloh emak gua ckck), sedangkan kita ke bawah buat foto box. terus waktu di tempat foto box kita dikacangan gitu sama mbakmbak gara2 ada tante2 ngambil bingaki pesenannya parah ya -__-. abis itu kita bayarnya pake ribuan ribuan banyak banget gara2 sayang sama uang yg bernilai gede. terus waktu mau bayar bie ngomong: "itu hasil ngamen kita lo mas". haaaaa jayus kampung ah kamu bi ckck. yasuud, akhirnya kita foto box dan ini hasilnya:

(yang ini kita foto pake hp lho haha)

haha bie cantik kaaaaaan? :) abis foto box, kita ke deh. bie beli oreo freeze, kalo gue beli j. cool dengan topping oreo :D haha. terus kita nongkrong disana deh. abis itu, kita keatas ketemu nyokap gue terus pulang pake taksi. jadi si bie main ke rumah gue dulu. dan kita tuh gara2 gaada kerjaan kita buat video gitu deh dan ga penting abis sampe 18 menit, tadinya kita mau masukkin fesbuk tp malees -_-. yasuuud, akhirnya kita buat video lagi untuk iseng2an gitu, jadi di video itu kita curhaaat. si bie kayak cerita2 gitu sambil menunjukkan amarah, sedangkan gue sampe nangisss :'( huhu. seidh deh pokonya (jangan tanya kenapa pokonya jangan!). selesai itu akhirnya kita ke mandi, makan, dan jam 7 bie dijemput sama mamanya. jadi bie pulaaaaangg :( huhu. hahaha gapapa deh, udah ya cuma sampe situ gatau mau cerita apalagi hehe.

love ya,

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

b'day party :D

heyheyheyheyheeeeeyy! hahaha gua udah makin jarang nge post yak? -__-. iya nih, biasa laah hahaha. btw, beberapa hari yg lalu kayak ada acara ultah gue gitu di rumah gue. seru banget gile nyet! terus kita kan nonton final destination 3 di home theatre gue, kita heboh gitu deh haha. these are some pictures from my birthday party:

(awas nanti dimakan, roooaaaarrr!)

(mata kucing! hahaha)

(ayundaaa :DDD)

(potong kueeeee!)

segitu aja ya, capek nyarinya hehe

love ya,

Thursday, 10 September 2009

pantatku sakittt :(

halo semuaaaaaa (eaaa sok kenal). hahaha udah lama ga ngepost yak? iya nih, keaadan memburuk komputer makin kayak tai -_____-. gua pengen ceritanya banyak nihhh, tp males soalnya ceritanya banyak banget gituu. yaudah, gue cerita kejadian hari ini aja ya. jadi ceritanya gini: Hari ini kan hari kamis, jadi gue ada pramuka gitu. naah, pramuka kan mulai jam 2 siang, jadi gua masih ada beberapa waktu unutk main, makan, dll gitu deh. terusss, gua kan sebelum mulai pramuka mau beli makanan tuuh, yasuuud, gue bie demi qcia wina jasmine mau ke bawah beli makanan kaan. terus mereka itu jalannya lamaaa terus gua blg "ayooo! cepetan, lapeeeeeeeer pengen makan mieee" dan abis gua bilang itu gua pun jalan selangkah turun di tangga, dan tiba2 gue kepeleset gara2 sepatu gua yang bener2 licin mampuus dan gua pun jatoh. sakit? BANGEEEET. pantatku sakit sekali rasanyaaaa -,--. temen2 gua semua pada kaget ngeliatin gue bengong gitu anjrit parah bangeet -____________-. iyaaa, terus gua akhirnya berdiri pelan2, dan tetep beli mie buat makan (maaf ya yang puasa). jadi hari ini gua jatoh gara2 pengen makan mie, babi banget deh. sampe sekarang pantat gua masih sakit, setiap kali duduk terus mau bangun sakitnya luar biasa. gua serasa jadi kayak nenek2 deh sumpah. hahaha yasudaaah, itu ceritakuu, nanti kalo bisa mau nge post cerita lagi hehe. uuuh, okaay pantatku sakittt :(

love ya,

Wednesday, 19 August 2009


yep , you read the title . that's right ! I'm realy reaaaaaly bored . borring means nothing to do , and I don't have anything to do . soooo , yeah , I'm bored like hell . all I've been doing for these days lately is watching some movies (just like always) , reading , chores , lessons , homeworks , eat , sleep , take a bath , go to school , blablablabla . and I'm kinda in a bad mood . why ? grrrrr , don't ask . hufff , I want to watch G.I. JOE : The Rise and Cobra and ORPHAN so very very badlyy uuuhhh (udah mulai ga nyambung) . well , kalau jadi sih mau nonton sekalian jalan hari jumat sama kawan2 gitu hahaha . gara2 bosan gue jadi banyak mau nih (dan mungkin tidak semuanya bisa terkabul) , antara lain :
1. mau nonton G.I JOE sama Orphan
2. mau isi pulsa 200.000
3. mau main ke rumah abi
4. mau main ke rumah bie
5. mau mainan star wars (tapi mahal)
6. mau beli film
7. mau beli kaos star wars
8. mau nginep di rumah arum
9. mau punya cowok baru (uuh,not realy sih heh)
10. mau nginep di rumah bie

well , that's the most of it .soooo , you know that : I'm bored and I'm kinda in a bad mood . so , just beware yaaa grrr .

love ya,

Monday, 10 August 2009

peace to the world :D

hey ho , hey ho , hey hooo ! kalian semua tau kan sekarang lg ada bahaya terorisme yang melanda ? pasti tau lah . gua waktu iotu jadi parno mau kemana kemana gitu ahahaha -_- . nah , kali ini gua pengen nge bahas tentang kedamain dunia (eaaa , sok dah lu tir) . iya , jadi kan sekarang abis ada bom bom an tuh yekan ? nah , gua tuh kesel kenapa sih masih ada aja terorisme ? udah michael jackson meninggal , mbah surip meninggal , terus terorisme nge bom jugaaa (lho ? ga nyambung) . gara2 itu sekarang Indonesia udah mulai masuk ke black list lagi kan ? korban2 nya juga kasiaaaan , ada orang bule Australia yang jadi korban bom di hotel kemaren itu makannya orang2 australia marah2 gitu sama orang2 Indonesia , gimana si aaah -___- . hahaha jadi untuk melambangkan perdamaian dunia dan indahnya dunia (halah , bahasa lu tir mulai dah -,-) gua kasih lyrics2 lagu yang cocok dengan keadaan terorisme bom sekarang ini yaaa :

Where is the love - Black Eyed Peas
What's wrong with the world, mama
People livin' like they ain't got no mamas
I think the whole world addicted to the drama
Only attracted to things that'll bring you trauma
Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists here livin'In the USA, the big CIA
The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK
But if you only have love for your own race
Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
And when you hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah
Madness is what you demonstrate
And that's exactly how anger works and operates
Man, you gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all, y'all
People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek
Father, Father, Father help us
Send some guidance from above'
Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love
The love, the love
It just ain't the same, always unchanged
New days are strange, is the world insaneIf love and peace is so strong
Why are there pieces of love that don't belong
Nations droppin' bombs
Chemical gasses fillin' lungs of little ones
With ongoin' sufferin' as the youth die young
So ask yourself is the lovin' really gone
So I could ask myself really what is goin' wrong
In this world that we livin' in people keep on givin'in
Makin' wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends
Not respectin' each other, deny thy brother
A war is goin' on but the reason's undercover
The truth is kept secret, it's swept under the rugIf you never know truth then you never know love
Where's the love, y'all, come on (I don't know)
Where's the truth, y'all, come on (I don't know)
Where's the love, y'all
People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek
Father, Father, Father help us
Send some guidance from above'
Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love, the love, the love?
I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder
As I'm gettin' older, y'all, people gets colder
Most of us only care about money makin'
Selfishness got us followin' our wrong direction
Wrong information always shown by the media
Negative images is the main criteriaInfecting the young minds faster than bacteria
Kids wanna act like what they see in the cinema
Yo', whatever happened to the values of humanity
Whatever happened to the fairness in equality
Instead of spreading love we're spreading animosity
Lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' under
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' down
There's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin' under
Gotta keep my faith alive till love is found
Now ask yourself
Where is the love?
Where is the love?
Where is the love?
Where is the love?
Father, Father, Father help us
Send some guidance from above'
Cause people got me, got me questionin'Where is the love?
Sing wit me y'all:One world, one world (We only got)One world, one world (That's all we got)One world, one worldAnd something's wrong wit it (Yeah)Something's wrong wit it (Yeah)Something's wrong wit the wo-wo-world, yeahWe only got(One world, one world)That's all we got(One world, one world)

ada lagi nih :

Heal the world - Michael Jackson (sekalian untuk memperingati almarhum Michael Jackson)
There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow.
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow.
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space, make a better place.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
If you want to know why
There's a love that cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for joyful giving.
If we try we shall see In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear or dread We stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always
Love's enough for us growing
Make a better world, make a better world.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race.
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
And the dream we would conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify it's soul
Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly
Be God's glow.
We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel
You are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we'll cry happy tears
See the nations turn
Their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space to make a better place.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
(2x) There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Make a better place
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children

sama ada lagi ini yang terakhir yaaaa :

What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They're really saying I love you.
I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than
I'll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world

itu beberapa lyricsnya yaaa . so , bring peace to the world guyss ! may God help us to bring peace to this world :D

love ya ,

Saturday, 8 August 2009


alohaaaaa ! apa kabar semuaaa ? (sok kenal gua) hahaha . gua lg gatau nih mau nge post apa , jadi for fun gua post lyrics lagu aja ya huahahaha :

Everything - Michael Buble

You're a falling star, you're the get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And you're the perfect thing to say.

And you play it coy, but it's kinda cute.
Ah, when you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend, that you don't know it's true.
Cause you can see it when I look at you.

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, you make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.

You're a carousel, you're a wishing well,
And you light me up, when you ring my bell.
You're a mystery, you're from outer space,
You're every minute of my everyday.

And I can't believe, uh that I'm your man,
And I get to kiss you baby just because I can.
Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through,
And you know that's what our love can do.

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, you make me sing
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.

So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, you make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
You're every song, and I sing along.
'Cause you're my everything.
Yeah, yeah

So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

(P.S : emang sih lagunya udah lama . but who doesn't love michael buble songs ? hahaha . I always love his songs . it's so damn good ! :D)

Saturday, 25 July 2009


satu kalimat aja : gua diputusin pacar gua yang bernama b***** dengan alasan dia suka sama cewek lain . jujur , hati gua sakit waktu itu , gua sempet nangis sih tapi akhirnya stop ga ada guna gua nangis buat apa coba ? tapi mau diapain lagi ? bodo deh gua udah lupain dia . gua ga nyangka gua mau balik sama dia sumpah waktu itu I feel like an idiot -__- . tapi sekrang udah nyantai kook . soo , be happy aja ya loo gua ga benci kok sama loo haha sekarang kita just good friends yeaaa :D . that's all I want to say .

love ya,

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince

orang orang bilang film ini jelek . tapi menurut gua masih tetep bagus kok . gua suka filmnya jadi lebih gelap gitu , makin dark . maka dari itu gua suka . tapi yang gua gasuka dari film ini itu : banyak bagian yang hilang dari bukunya , lavender brown nyebelin abis (walopun yang main cantik,tapi sifat karakternya freak abis) , ron weasley cipokan sama lavender brown (SUMPAH INI TAI ABISSS) ---> lebay . btw , gua nonton ini di blitz pp sama arum , astung , mas anggo . gua di dalem bioskop rebutan popcorn sama mas anggo hahaha . okay , back to the movie . sooo , jadi menurut gua filmnya bagus sihh tapi ya .................... agak gimana gitu gua juga pas nonton ini agak merasa gelisah soalnya takut ada bom -__--- . tapi tetep bagus kok gua suka banget waktu bagian albus dumbeldore meninggal (di bagian ini I cried a little hehe) murid2 hogwarts sama guru2 hogwarts ngumpul terua kayak pada ngangkat wand mereka semua terus ada cahaya gitu . si harry nangis sambil dipeluk ginny . hahaha seneng gua akhirnya harry sama ginny awaw (btw,ginny looks bad with dean thomas) . daripada sama cho-chang kan jelek . terus , si hermione kasiaaaan nangis ngeliat ron sama lavender gitu yang bikin gua gemes pas ron lagi keracunan terus manggil nama hermione tapi besok2nya dia lupa tolol bego dah !!!!!!! -____________- . terus ron main quidditch haha mangkin ganteng daah , terus si ginny harusnya jadi seeker tapi di filmnyua ga dikasih liat (babi dah -_-) . oia , di film ini gua kasian sama draco malfoy , terlalu memaksakan dirinya gituuu . terus keluarga weasley ga punya rumah lagi kasian deh . terus fred & george weasley punya toko sendirii , bagus deh . and snape , ya dia penting di buku karena dia adalah THE FUCKING HALF BLOOD PRINCE !!!!!!! tapi kenapa di film cuma kayak gitu doang ?????????? MONYET DAH ! JUDULNYA UDAH HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE , TAPI TERNYATA ......................................... DI FILM SNAPE CUMA GITU DOANGGG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *with middle finger* -_____________________- (oke gua lebay haha) . tapi tetep gua ngerasa film ini bagus hehe .

ini di film ada percakapan lucu antara ron sama fred & geroge (kalo gasalah sih kayak gini ya) :
ron : "how much is this ?" *sambil megang apa gitu di tangannya*
fred & george : "5 gallons"
ron : "I'm your brother"
fred & george : "10 gallons"

HAHA itu kocak . oke itu yang saya mau tulis tentang HBP sebenernya masih banyak sih , tapi udah capek ngetik hehe . masih mau nge post lagi soalnyaaa hahuahaha .

to albus dumbeldore :

goodbye dumbeldore , miss you always :D

love ya ,



halo semuanyaaaaaa :DDD . maaf ya udah lama gak nge post . soalnya komputer masih rusak sih , jadi ya gitu deh . sekarang aja gua maksa pake laptop bokap hahaha . gua mau cerita banyak nih . mulai dari gua mos di smp , nonton harrpott 6 , gua putus sama pacar , sama gua sakit , dll pokonya banyak deh . nah dimulai dari gua mos ya . pokonya mos itu top . sumpah seru abis , gua dapet tantangan yang susah2 dan gua juga harus berani malu demi dapetin tanda tangan .

antara lain gua disuruh :

-nyanyi "tak gendong"

-nembak kakak kelas
-nyanyi "lu la lu la le" sambil joget ngebor
-teriak ngatain kakak kelas "ANJING LO!"
-nari nari keliling lapangan
-dll (gua lupa ada apa aja)

Tapi ga semua yang disuruh gua mau yaaa hauhuahaha :D . okay deh paling tidak itu cerita tentang mos yang saya bisa tulis . masih mau ngepost yang lain lagi nih ya hehe .

love ya ,


Friday, 3 July 2009


heeeey bloggers ! sebelum mulai cerita gua mau kasih tau bahwa gua baru aja dibeliin mainan patung master yoda sama papa gue . jadi gue lagi agak normal , makanya hati-hati ya bagi yang ketemu gue -,- . btw , gue juga masih kesenengan (again) nih , karena tanggal 30 juni kemaren adalah hari kelulusan dan sd tarakanita 2 angkatan 47 100% LULUSSSS (TERMASUK GUA JUGA !) seneng banget deh . jadi begini ceritanya : Kan acara mulai jam 8 , tp anak2 disuruh dtg jam 7an . Acara pembukaannya kita kayak baris berbaris gitu gak jelas di hadapan para orangtua . abis itu , baru kita duduk dan ada kayak misa syukur gitu laah . setelah selesai masih ada acara kayak pelepasan atribut , dll . abis itu baru : PENGUMUMAN KELULUSAN DAN KEJUARAAN . jantung kita semua udah cap cip cup belalang kuncup deg deg-an banget . terus yang tololnya lagi sehari sebelum hari kelulusan kepala sekolahku yang namanya gak-pernah-gua-inget-bodo-amat bilang kayak gini ke anak2 kelas 6 : "nanti malam kalo yang suster telpon datang dnegan rapih ke sekolah , bagi yang di telpon silahkan datang ke sekolak tanggal 1 juli" (a.k.a gak lulus) . yak , pinter banget kan ? yang ada kita semua ketakutan -___- . okay , back to the story . soooooo , kita pun mendengar nama2 anak2 yang pintar pintar luar biasa jenius dipanggil ke depan untuk menerima penghargaan . gua berharap bisa mendapatkan satu ajaaa penghargaan ! setelah menunggu sekian lama nama gua gak disebut sebut (udah putus asa) . yang banyak memborong piala dan piagam adalah vero sama keshia (keshia itu besfriend gueee . saya bangga sama kamu kes) . teruuus , gue sudah feeling empty and hopeless dan tiba tiba Mam Ida (guru bahasa inggris) bilang : "JUARA DUA ULANGAN TERTULIS BAHASA INGGRIS ADALAH : PATRICIA DHANISA TIARA PUTRI" . gua masih bengong dengan keadaan putus asa , gua ga nyadar Mam Ida nyebut nama gue . terus temen2 gue teriak "WOI MAJU KEDEPAN ! JUARA LO SELAMET YEEE !" . lalu dengan begonya gue baru nyadar dan lri ke depan dan menerima piagam (hiks , gua terharu) . abis nerima piaga gue balik ke tempat duduk , gua belum sempet duduk nih , tiba tiba ............................. "JUARA TIGA PRAKTEK AGAMA ADALAH : PATRICIA DHANISA TIARA PUTRI" kata Mam Ida . lalu , majulah lagi gue kedepan . abis itu , gua duduk lagi , dan menerima amplop isi hasil nilai ujian . antara lain ini nilai nilai ku :

UASBN IPA : 8,25
NEM : 24,15

abis itu , kita semua nunggu acara selesai , bubar , beli seragam smp , cap tiga jari , dan pulang ke rumah dengan ceria . oia , semua ini gabakal bisa terjadi kalau tak ada bimbingan Tuhan , terimakasih Tuhan :D

love ya ,

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Transformers 2 : Revenge of The Fallen

KEREN BANGET WANJING ! effect sama soundnya TOP ! gue nonton ini bareng melky bunga angel piero juno rezar qcia regina abi . kita nonton tanggal 25 juni di pim 2 (ngantrinya brutal banget lho) . banyak bagian kocak . si Shia LeBeouf makin ganteng, Megan Fox makin HOT . gara2 ntn ini , gue skg jadi lebih suka decepticon deh , jadi sudah agak bosan sama autobots (tapi Optimus Prime masih The Best) . di film ini banyak robot baru keren keren semuaa . antara lain ini robot favorit favorit ku :

dari decepticon : The Fallen (ini gede banget looh)
dari autobots : Optimus Prime (tambah keren)
paling kocak : The Twins (kocak banget)
favorit dari semuanya : JetFire ! (TOPPP)

sehabis selesai nonton itu gue ngomong : "belum puas gue nonton sekali" . hahaha . filmnya agak bingungin sih , gue kurang ngerti ceriatanya agak random gitu . tapi BAGUS kook . two tumbs up deh !

Monday, 22 June 2009

work and play

hari ini seru deeh , arum (saudara sepupu anak kelas 5) nginep di rumah gua . pokonya hari ini full work and play . begitu si arum dateng ke rumah gua kita langsung main main gajelas gitu dah . terus kita disuruh ngepel sama nyokap gua (ini sumpah nyebelin banget) . arum disuruh ngepel kamar mama papa gua gitu wkwkwk sedangkan gua semua ruangan (kecuali kamar mama sama papa) -____- .waktu sebelum mulai ngepel arum bengong terus gua tanya "jarang ngepel di rumah lo ya?" dengan nyantai dia ngomong "bukan jarang tapi SAMA SEKALI GAK PERNAH" . gile ya pantes aja waktu si arum ngepel dia bukannya mundur ke belakang tapi malah maju ke depan kiri dan ke kanan jadi lantai yang abis di pel keinjek lagi (SUMPAH INI GOBLOK) terus arum ngomong "ah gua capek" terus gua ngomong "YAELAH LU MAH BARU JUGA 12 PETAK LANTAI UDAH CAPEK HAHAHA" terus arum ngomong "ah iya , kok kayaknya ngepelnya lama banget ya ga selese2 ? dari tadi lantainya kotor " terus mama gua jawab "yaiyalah rum , kamu kan ngepelnya bukan mundur ke belakang" terus dia bilang "pantess , bilang kek dari tadi" . terus abis selese ngepel , kita nonton disaster movie kita ketagihan dengerin lagu "the fuck song" dari film itu . kocak abis sumpah dah (bagi yang udah nonton pasti tau laah) . saking ketagihan , kita sampe ngapalin lagunya lhooo (oke , ini ga normal) . setelah itu kita sih melakukan hal hal yang normal tidak ada korban kok . sudah dulu ya sampe disini . komputer lagi error jadi lemot abis , dan jangan tanya apa penyebabnya pokonya jangan deh -_____-

Sunday, 21 June 2009

fresh start

heeey bloggers ! hari ini adalah hari gua baru buat blog dan hari gua dimarahin abis abisan sama nyokap karena gua gamau bangun pagi jam 6 (kan libur yaaa) . hari ini gua bosen di rumah , seharian cuma nonton film doang . gua sekarang lagi super luar biasa KESEL BANGET sama nyokap dan lagi SENENG BANGET sama bokap . kenapa ? karena bokap hari ini mewariskan (halah) film terminator 2 dvd original dan dibeli asli dari amerika ! sedangkan nyokap gua ngomel ngomel gara2 gua ga bangun pagi -,- . sudah dulu sampai sini ya permulaannya , dimarahin nyokap katanya "tidur sana besok bangun pagi" . hahaha soo , byeee . I will keep posting (walaupun jarang kali ya) . love yaa all :-)